Top Quality Yields
Best View Farms

Best View Farms
Orchardgrass grows tall enough for easy harvesting of a hay crop. Although it is aggressive, its bunch habit of growth allows legumes to grow well in mixtures, provided the seeding rate is not too high. Orchardgrass grown alone will give an average hay yield from 1 to 2 tons per acre of hay, but when grown with clover or alfalfa, yields of 2 to 3 tons per acre can be expected. When grown with a legume, the nitrogen requirements are greatly reduced. Regrowth is rapid, and it will provide good yields as a second cutting or provide good late summer grazing. Harvesting should be done when the orchardgrass is fully headed, but prior to bloom.
Orchardgrass is a preferred pasture forage wherever it is adapted because of its early spring growth and its rapid recovery following grazing. It has excellent regrowth during the hot summer months when other grasses are not as productive. With adequate moisture, fall growth is good. The best yields from orchardgrass or orchardgrass-legume pastures are achieved when livestock are allowed to graze when growth is about 8 to 9 inches high, and taken out when the stubble height reaches 4 inches. Since the main food storage of orchardgrass is in the lower stems and leaf parts, it does not tolerate close and continuous grazing.